25 June 2012 (Monday)
Opening Special Venue Serdica basement
18:00 – 21:30
the corner of Maria Luiza Bul. and Ekzarch Yosif Str. – under Showroom Roca
Working hours for the period 26-30 June are 15:00 – 20:00 h.
Jan Doms (Netherlands): “Regained History” glass installation
Rada Mateva/Plus (Bulgaria): “Black Hole” installation
Milena Vladimirova – Vladis (Bulgaria): installation
Antoana Petkova (Bulgaria): “Alice in…?”
Marian Stanchev (Bulgaria): “Human (w)Hole /Sense/” video installation
Nanci Traynor: Performance Serdika Dis-tour 18:30 (25.06)