aim plovdiv 2019

aim plovdiv 2019 poster

AIM Plovdiv 2019 – Local Connections
1–10 June, SKLAD, Plovdiv

AIM Plovdiv 2019 – Local Connections brings together a range of European artist-run initiatives to connect independent Bulgarian art scene with the surrounding regions and internationally. The project builds on AIM Network’s long-term goals to facilitate connections, build new collaborations, strengthen the artist-run scene and make it accessible to the public. It develops the concept of working on a large-scale local basis across different but interconnected neighbouring regions. Despite the state borders, artists and curators often share similar social and cultural questions, common traditions and discourse in contemporary art, yet often they do not have the opportunity to meet in person and share their experience. The project will offer a range of events including public workshops, panel discussion, guided tour and exhibition. AIM Plovdiv 2019 is organised by AIM Network and Water Tower Art Fest with the support of Plovdiv 2019 European Capital of Culture.

Participants: AEther (Sofia, BG), Candyland (Stockholm, SE), the fridge (Sofia, BG), International Performance Art Festival and Meeting (Tokyo, JP), KRÆ syndikatet (Copenhagen, DK), Lateral Art Space (Cluj-Napoca, RO), LTMKS (Vilnius, LT), MUU Artists’ Association (Helsinki, FI), Ormston House (Limerick, IE), Pasaj (Istanbul, TR), Press to Exit (Skopje, MK), Sant Marc (Sineu, Mallorca, ES), Small Projects (Tromsø, NO), Snehta Residency (Athens, GR), >top (Berlin, DE), U10 (Belgrade, RS), Water Tower Art Fest (Sofia, BG).

Art today (Plovdiv, BG), CU29 (Plovdiv, BG), Kapana Plovediv (Plovdiv, BG), Art Studios”Maritsa” (Plovdiv, BG), Studio 2 (Plovdiv, BG), Gallery Geshev Arsenal of arts (Plovdiv, BG), Doma Art foundation (Sofia, BG)

AIM Network (Artists’ Initiatives’ Meetings Network) is a European network of artist-run initiatives. It serves as a platform for exchange of experience, sharing of knowledge, increasing of mobility and cooperation between artist-run initiatives, and to raise awareness of the artist-run sector among both professional art world and the broader public. The network has currently eleven artist-run member spaces from across Europe.

Water tower Art Fest is an annual international art event with performances, installations, presentations and workshops that takes place in Sofia, Bulgaria. Since 2006 the festival has grown from a local grassroots initiative into the most important international contemporary art festival in Bulgaria. The project directs public attention to our immediate urban environment including abandoned and unused spaces, and it tackles the questions of democracy, tolerance and environment through socially engaged art.


More about the event at: AIM Network
Design by Denitsa Toneva

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